The death I love is the death of ignorance

the death that buries one in fresh pages

of everlasting movement

between despair and hope

the death of dizzying spaces

of lives between now and then

here and now

The death I love

is that of being enveloped

by embraces of unrehearsed,

uninhibited and unconditional

lyricism of nimble birds

The death I love

is that of open spaces

evolving dreams, unfolding plans

acts of empathy

and touches of grace,

The death I love

is that of open skies

open windows, open books

open schools, open minds,

open-ended drama,

open skies, my dear, open worlds

the death I love is that of sharing

bits of life, I really mean, dying a little

for my sister, giving a little to my brother,

letting myself be changed

by what I really cared for

letting love carry me to heights

of liberating vistas

where one begins to see things

for what they really are

things that are, things that will be

the death I love, my dear, is the death of death.

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