This city conceived as a tiny station
was truly born in the nineteen sixties.
The seventies saw it expand massively
thanks to diamonds found
at the edge of a marvellous desert.
In the eighties the fast growing town
of scattered Thorn-tree bushes was bombed
by rabid racists for hosting liberation combatants
and in the nineties it was infected
and misruled right into stupefaction
and at the turn of the century
it was looted blind by sly fraudsters
and double-dealing politicos.
The second decade of the twenty-first century
saw it locked down by a pandemic.
This city of spaced-out role models
who look lost in perplexed peace.
This city of swindled denizens
who seem to be waiting for the sun
to set so that they can unfold
their hearts and dream of
diamonds they hardly get to see.
This city of bovine stupidity
and youthful optimism
held together by some weak glue
and melting aspirations.
This city of sunburnt smiles,
a refreshing sanctuary
home to famished but hopeful dreamers
who refuse to stop yearning
for days of abundance yet to come.
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