Gaborone Sun
knocks you out
and confuses your south bound
ostrich ride as the mosque looms
on the right and university on the left
reminding you of what could have been
The way to go
is not straight through the roundabout,
gently take a left curve
and clear the mind of worries
about tax evasion, deals gone awry,
dates gone south, politics gone haywire
pandemics on the prowl,
lockdowns by spouse and the state
Mind the wall of mindlessness
after the harsh lesson
of being robbed of your farm
by the one-armed bandit
of Gaborone Sun
You drive one hand on the steering wheel
another on the lap
of stolen future
mind addled
a huge hole
on the pay slip…
Next day jeering students
crack jokes about the wall
of hard knocks
Yet ten years down the line
of disappointment and
smothered aspirations,
their wheeled machines will kiss
the same wall of hard knocks.
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