To fail or to flourish

to wither or to win

is how colourful

the melody of life is

Lively open arms

and easy smiles

open doors

inviting embraces

the joy of company

the massage of

slight warm breeze

the joy in our hearts

We are here on earth

our feet

firmly gripping the soil

our heads knocking against

the roof of the sky

We are told

they want to dim the sun

they wish to cool the planet

insulate earth from raw radiation

We simply say, please

address the ravages of Corona

prolong human lives

construct tomorrows

without rancour

tomorrows without

anxiety, tomorrows without

threats and clashes

tomorrows without

people with bloodied mouths

and ribs broken by clubs and boots

and racist knees

Tomorrow that are greener, brighter,

more capacious, welcoming,

habitable and nourishing

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