Lips tightening
veins bulging
the heated emotion
coming from a strong point
the emotion
the feeling
a current coursing
through the body
rushing to the head
feet on fire
When drums open their throats
to give throbbing caution
when rain rain washes
worms from leaves
when eerie pinpoints
of light dazzle the eye
fluid hips gyrate
to deep and guttural vibes
and perhaps I
Know that people
do disappear
vanish into slender air
engulfed by issues social
in circumstances intensely human
swallowed up whole
individuals, couples, groups
Covid-19 subdued us
compromised our languages
Our muffled words
have gaping loopholes and potholes
our words jiggle like jelly
as we cast furtive glances
and maintain distance
Our words he...
How do I hold fast
to a speeding dream
ultra-fast and zigzagging
a dreams that darts
across vast spaces
How, tell me,
do I hold fast to
a silky cloud, mere vapour
a passing gust of wind...
Day and night
our hearts swell and crack
As we struggle with lines
signs and images
hoping that from our strife
thrilling flowers will emerge
We hope healing light
will glow from t...
Why is it that only the tainted
are allowed to breath?
Only the jaded are permitted to dream
in this land of throttled aspirations
only the hollow-eyed are allowed to speak
Only stinging mos...
My unforgettable friends
My pauper friends
Your revolting sorrow
Is an open wound
Your ice-cold dreams
Mumble mournful tunes
Your concave bellies
Rumble like idling engines
Do you not perceive
this buoyant lava?
A new force
Marching to create
It's lava force
jutting through
the tin-pot crater
The lava force
feeds you
with ear-shatterin...