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Every Day You Are Africa, My Love

You are Africa, my love A standing sentinel poised to breath life into every space you move in primed to colour the canvas in upbeat hues shed light Africa, my love The morning birdsong...
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Gaborone Chilly Mid Morning

This bright and chilly mid-morning Birds tweet and excrete in mid-air Their frenzy heightened By fresh gusts of wind And swirling dust Their melodies mingling With distant sounds of drilling And of banging hamm...
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Say Goodbye

Say goodbye before you go at least say one half of a goodbye before you leave only to look back one last time before you take leave before you leave before you jump over this or that wall before you run say one...
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Distillery of Love and Joy

These chirruping birds, this slight wind and these sparse clouds are our companions. They nourish us with priceless insight in the spaces between jazz, blues and silence. The space between the sonic booms we ma...
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The Heat We All Complain About

The heat we suffer is in the tears of babies the stifled cries of children Whose future is snatched By grubby fingers Of those who can’t think Beyond their appetite The heat we all curse Is aggravated Voodoo ec...
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Beyond the tiresome alphabet of boardroom labels Beyond the euphemised hunger of art galleries Beyond sham renditions of experience beyond the claptrap of platforms hard-pressed angels till the soil dig trenche...
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Night of Sadness

Nothing you can do About the raised voices In the next room Nothing you can do Except cover your head   Nothing you can do To cut the night short Nothing you can do But pull a bl...
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Late Afternoon Smile

I like a smile When it is late afternoon A smile Masking its stark setting   A woman has to be strong Even when she loses weight Even when she loses a job It is called shedding &...
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By the Grace of Skin

Let skin that bears the colour earth speak surprise Let it secrete messages as it breaths in renewal   Let skin remember burns and scars that run athwart memories we wish to cherish   ...
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Epistle on Skin Business

Take it easy, my friend, extend your freedom within the supple wrapping of your skin. No need to be terrified.   Sit still and learn to see through the skin of sacred cows. Every...