It was a balmy Saturday

when we buried him like treasure

mournful songs lingered

hilarious anecdotes hugging

stories of remembrance

social distancing

failing to contain sobs

triggered by fond memories

of a ramrod straight citizen

community pillar


Now he lies dead

lack of oxygen cause his demise

lungs collapsed by Covid-19

multiple migranes

inexplicable lethargy

perspiration, a cough

muscular tension

Now he is gone

undertakers ferry mortal remains

straight from mortuary to cemetery

stern pallbearers in white gear

gumboots and jumpsuits

hooded like that of astronauts

masked preacher mumbling

and steering the hurried burial

of a loved one

brutal fumigation of grief

a host of unanswered questions

Who is next in this grim procession?

Who is next in line to be felled by pestilence?

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