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Moments of Silence

We have known silence that swallows all sound eerie creepy silence silence after storms silence before pain silence that follows shame brutal grating silence muffling last screams silen...
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Gallery of Eyes

In her mazy long life She has seen all kinds of eyes Narrow deeply injured eyes grey obstinate eyes ghost-bright eyes Radar-like glittering eyes meek burdened eyes feverish suffering eyes ...
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Under the Eye of the Sky

Under the denuding eye of the ever-alert sky we invented languages of peace Under the prosaic drone of jaded time We rendered neoteric melodies Under the threat of heat-stroke We dan...
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This city conceived as a tiny station was truly born in the nineteen sixties. The seventies saw it expand massively thanks to diamonds found at the edge of a marvellous desert. In the...
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Gaborone Sun

Let us consider the harshness of the sun of Gaborone Gaborone sun may rise slowly but when it hits it hurls all to the nearest shade The virulent Gaborone sun addles the brains visito...
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Gaborone Poets

They run around the thirsty city always at the mercy of an elsewhere, celebrating what they like to hate Pointing fingers at what they hardly see or rubbing shoulders they do not...
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The Death I Love

The death I love is the death of ignorance the death that buries one in fresh pages of everlasting movement between despair and hope the death of dizzying spaces of lives between now and then ...
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I Know Rightly

I know rightly that the day after tomorrow you and I my sister will be holding hands peering at the thick clouds that threaten to close our minds holding hands embracing yet another day...
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This heartache of days spent walking alleyways ignored overlooked shifted defined ruled overruled This heartache of days of daring to restore hope twisted on th...
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That cloudy Saturday morning you and I went to the Main Mall You and I entered a clothing shop to buy a sparkling red hand bag the matching high heels we couldn't afford You a...