Take it easy, my friend,

extend your freedom

within the supple wrapping

of your skin.

No need to be terrified.


Sit still and learn

to see through

the skin of sacred cows.

Every skin is porous.

It has to breathe

lest it calcifies.


Be on your marks

and read up on how

in the name of gain

Africa turned

into a warren

of blacks skins.


Skin is beauty in education

It is the casing of mind and soul,

leading you in and out

of yourself.




by your conscience

and listen to global stretch

of skin-tight drums.


In the swelter

of Gaborone sun,

men with sun burnt skins

roasting under the influence

of heat and jealousy

gossip about mothers

whose bundles of life

bear colourful skins

wondering in blistering languages

about paternal passports

and cross-border DNAs.


Sit still, friend,

delight in the boom

of George Lamming

holding sway

deep in the castle of his skin.


Frantz Fanon is incarnate.

His articulate skin

continues to roll out

urgent questions

that needle an Africa

reluctant to think

about the ongoing

ignoble skin trade.


We wildly narrow our minds

to the particulars of skin.

Skin fuses

and splits neighbourhoods.

Skin sweetens or sours wedding songs.

Skin belongs to skinless ancestors.


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