I know rightly
that the day
after tomorrow
you and I my sister
will be holding hands
peering at the thick clouds
that threaten to close
our minds holding hands
embracing yet another day
of struggle leaping
keeping faith in
the tightness of the night
learning and leaning
forward as our heads
and hearts recognise
in their poise of love
the heaviness
of our duty to each other
in this quest for justice
our chests thrust forward
our muscles taut in readiness
our shoulders embracing
the idea that together
we have to make
a difference together
we have to stretch this
world to make room
for dreams of our ancestors
and the hopes
of our brothers
the aspirations
of our sisters who will
never stop waging
a fight for a just world
in trust that the moment
after this moment
my sister and I
will be on the arena
widening the world
and making room
painting this space
to allow more of our sisters
to breathe for breathe
this must and move
they must step forward
we must leap we must cultivate
courageous conversations
singing valiant songs
for tomorrow we must be
better and the world must
be more roomy
to yet more of our brothers
and sisters who have every right
to breathe in this our world
and grow and grow
in this our land
of common concerns
I still know that
even the moment after
this moment
my sister and I
will be moving forward
hands held tight
moving and unstinting
in our simple conviction
that this our world
has to be made beautiful
and more roomy
for more and more sisters
and brothers who have to breathe
resistance has to rise
we will be marching
until this our world
has been set right
and freedom written
in bright colours
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