If I had my way I would burrow

into the sand, dig a furrow

into the belly of this land

perhaps lift myself above the clouds

in some hot-air balloon

to check out the real colour of the sky

If I had my way I would compose

ticklish melodies

that make stern officials

giggle like amused urchins

If I had my way I would

whip up a potent concoction

a warm tangy brew to keep

pandemic flu at bay

If I had my way I would

coo like a dove and flap my wings

like a carefree eagle

If I had my way I would wrap

blankets around shivering bodies

while pumping some oomph

into weary souls daily choked

by licenced white knees pressed

on their necks

human beings struggling to breath

for five centuries

If I had my way I would

gracefully prance

like a springy gazelle

or if the situation demands

trumpet like an aggrieved elephant

One eye looking ahead

another eye watching my back

If I had my way I would stand still

and accept the droppings

deposited by songbirds on my forehead

as they twitter in their unpoliced language

merrily on their way to who knows

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