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It Happens

It does happen that someone falls into a ditch someone bellows to a world that does not bother to listen We are all in this pi...
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Village Poetics

In this village of loneliness we ask ourselves pointless questions we query the wind as it mocks our languid gestures our half-...
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Long drawn arguments that run into the night the wear and tear of nerves verdicts of history long walks up the hills bickering voices ...
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Inside a Dream

Inside a dream is the propensity to cancel itself out There is a device that splits the dream between yesterday and tomorrow The dr...
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Lips tightening veins bulging the heated emotion coming from a strong point within the emotion the feeling a current coursing ...
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People Vanish

You and perhaps I Know that people do disappear vanish into slender air engulfed by issues social in circumstances intensely human ...
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Covid-19 subdued us compromised our languages Our muffled words have gaping loopholes and potholes our words jiggle like jelly as we c...
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Ultra Fast Dream

How do I hold fast to a speeding dream ultra-fast and zigzagging a dreams that darts across vast spaces How, tell me, do I hold fas...
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Word-Scratcher’s Toil

Day and night our hearts swell and crack As we struggle with lines signs and images hoping that from our strife thrilling flowers will...