This bright and chilly mid-morning
Birds tweet and excrete in mid-air
Their frenzy heightened
By fresh gusts of wind
And swirling dust
Their melodies ...
Say goodbye
before you go
at least say one half
of a goodbye
before you leave
only to look back
one last time
before you take leave
before you leave
These chirruping birds, this slight wind
and these sparse clouds are our companions.
They nourish us with priceless insight
in the spaces between jazz...
The heat we suffer
is in the tears of babies
the stifled cries of children
Whose future is snatched
By grubby fingers
Of those who can’t think
Beyond ...
Beyond the tiresome alphabet
of boardroom labels
Beyond the euphemised hunger
of art galleries
Beyond sham renditions
of experience
beyond the claptra...