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The Death I Love

The death I love is the death of ignorance the death that buries one in fresh pages of everlasting movement between despair and hope the ...
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I Know Rightly

I know rightly that the day after tomorrow you and I my sister will be holding hands peering at the thick clouds that threaten to c...
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This heartache of days spent walking alleyways ignored overlooked shifted defined ruled overruled This heartache ...
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That cloudy Saturday morning you and I went to the Main Mall You and I entered a clothing shop to buy a sparkling red hand bag th...
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Gaborone Chilly Mid Morning

This bright and chilly mid-morning Birds tweet and excrete in mid-air Their frenzy heightened By fresh gusts of wind And swirling dust Their melodies ...
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Say Goodbye

Say goodbye before you go at least say one half of a goodbye before you leave only to look back one last time before you take leave before you leave b...
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Distillery of Love and Joy

These chirruping birds, this slight wind and these sparse clouds are our companions. They nourish us with priceless insight in the spaces between jazz...
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Beyond the tiresome alphabet of boardroom labels Beyond the euphemised hunger of art galleries Beyond sham renditions of experience beyond the claptra...