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Night of Sadness

Nothing you can do About the raised voices In the next room Nothing you can do Except cover your head   Nothing you can do T...
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Late Afternoon Smile

I like a smile When it is late afternoon A smile Masking its stark setting   A woman has to be strong Even when she loses weigh...
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By the Grace of Skin

Let skin that bears the colour earth speak surprise Let it secrete messages as it breaths in renewal   Let skin remember burns and scars...
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Tell Me

Tell me, When will Botswana bees stop buzzing? What does it take to shape Gaborone’s sinister whispers into moving melodies?   Tel...
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Poverty Eradication

This is an urgent directive, patriotic officers, Take off your gloves, poverty makes the country look ugly No time for pitter-patter, fight to t...
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After the Game

After the game We drag Our feet to rooms of dreams we hardly own.   The frenzy The fever Gone? No!   Loa...
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Poetry Speaks

when sun-baked Gaborone afternoons touch this skin it hazily recalls fingertips caressing the slight membrane of emotions half...
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Riff on Skin

when sun-baked Gaborone afternoons touch this skin it hazily recalls fingertips caressing the slight membrane of emotions half...