Gaborone Lethargy Tiro Sebina December 19, 2017 Poem When sun-baked Gaborone afternoons touch this skin it hazily recalls fingertips caressing the slight membrane of emotions half...
Monster of Ramaphate Tiro Sebina December 19, 2017 Poem What words Will give colour To the heart-break Of children Whose home Bears the cross Of demolition For them, the ya...
Poetry Now Tiro Sebina December 19, 2017 Poem Poetry Now Poetry is not going to liberate anyone Anyone from work Its not something you apply to your skin To look radical or democratic ...
Gaborone Poets Tiro Sebina December 19, 2017 Poem They run around the thirsty city always at the mercy of an elsewhere, celebrating what they like to hate Pointing fingers At what they ...
Gaborone Sun Tiro Sebina December 19, 2017 Poem Let's give a thought to the harshness of the sun of Gaborone Gaborone sun may rise slowly but when it hits It hurls all to the nearest sha...