Tell me,

When will Botswana bees stop buzzing?

What does it take to shape Gaborone’s

sinister whispers into moving melodies?


Tell me,

how to dodge arrows

of heartbreak in this country

of poisoned passion

and tormented bedrooms


Tell me,

how to  speak clearly

in this air heavy-laden

with feelings that refuse

to rise to the surface


Tell me,

How to find balance

In this world

Of fly-by-night lovers,

flip-flopping politicians

and dodgy uncles



Tell me,

Which road leads to harmony?

In this country of absences

This land of slow silent agonies

And nightmares that defy shedding


Tell me,

how to avoid newspapers that

publicise sterility

and advertise incompetence

in ill-spelt headlines


Tell me,

How to weed out policies that privatize our pain,

And deregulate the sweetness of honey

While exporting the country’s bone-marrow

In return for paltry pebbles that roll

into bottomless pockets


Tell me,

Tell me how to still

the screaming souls

dazed by question marks and burdens

carried in the heart for decades,

Tell me.



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